The latest installment of the Scream series has had to make a change in its lead actor for the upcoming sequel due to controversial social media posts regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict. Melissa Barrera, who previously starred in recent Scream films alongside Jenna Ortega, will no longer be part of Scream 7, according to a report from The Hollywood Reporter.
Barrera’s removal from the project is a result of comments she made on social media during the Israel-Hamas conflict, where she compared the situation in Gaza to a concentration camp and criticized what she referred to as genocide and ethnic cleansing. Spyglass, the production company behind the Scream franchise, has chosen not to comment on the matter.
In the recent Scream movies, Barrera played Sam Carpenter, a character connected to the original storyline as the secret daughter of co-Ghostface Billy Loomis. It is currently uncertain whether the character will be written out of the script or if a new actor will be cast in the role.
Filming for Scream 7 has not yet begun, as progress has been hindered by ongoing strikes involving actors and writers. Spyglass is expected to halt production and reevaluate their plans for Scream 7 following Barrera’s departure, with further updates on this situation expected soon.