Renowned for his unforgettable portrayal of Kevin McCallister in the beloved holiday classic “Home Alone,” Macaulay Culkin is poised to join the prestigious ranks of Hollywood Walk of Fame recipients. Ana Martinez, the Producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, underscored Culkin’s enduring impact on pop culture throughout the years, particularly through his iconic role in the timeless film.
Culkin, widely recognized for his depiction of Kevin McCallister in the first two installments of “Home Alone,” will be commemorated in the Motion Pictures category with the Walk of Fame’s 2,765th star. The ceremony is slated to take place on December 1st at 6354 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood. Joining in the celebration as speakers at the event are Catherine O’Hara, who portrayed Culkin’s on-screen mother in the “Home Alone” series, and Natasha Lyonne, his co-star in “Adam Green’s Aladdin,” contributing to the event’s nostalgic ambiance.
Martinez underscored the significance of O’Hara’s involvement, highlighting the reunion between her and her movie son during the ceremony. While Culkin is most famously associated with his role in the perennial Christmas favorite, his illustrious body of work includes memorable films such as “Richie Rich” (1994) and “My Girl” (1991). Despite rising to fame as a child star, Culkin has carefully curated his career trajectory, exploring a diverse range of projects, including his recent appearance in the acclaimed television series “American Horror Story” (2021).